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冠軍 | Champion

(Raman Hui) : Very fluent animation, solid timing and performance. The facial animation could be improved to make him more expressive. But the theatrical kind of acting helped to bring the character to life.

(Ken Law) : Animation pose and facial very good to explain the magician how to control the ball with his best.The action is so smooth and have power. Only one point not so good is about the timing when he found out the ball don't move although he use all his power. It's too fast to have the reaction of the ball and the disappoint also can be slower.

(根叔) : 在 You Trick Me 可以看出原動畫師的Keyframe 的技術成熟(包括動作流暢度,及時間的配合),掌握誇張動作更加係咁多位參賽者之表表者。唯在角色的情感(情緒)表達上仍有小許改善空間。首先,角色只能讓人"知道"角色因不能操控波波而表現得不耐煩,而非由觀眾直接感受到。例如在片段開頭的幾下手臂揮動動作的幅度及變化,並無讓人感到該角色正在漸次加強力量(最主要原因是該三下手臂揮動動作力度相若,鏡頭也沒有突出手指部份的表演)。及後進入身體大動作時的身體語言含糊,雖然揮動動作充滿力量,卻未能令人知道角色如斯大動作的企圖(試試用post-it 把畫面左邊的?及波蓋著就知道)。其次在角色在最後一試失敗時,掩面動作似乎想告訴人角色的沮喪及無奈,但細看下,角色似乎未知道結果...同樣情況出現在最後的... Climax。角色在未知波波會自動彈回桶中時已有大動作反應,這種預知劇情的acting 在說服力方面似乎尚未完美。

(Stanley Tang) : Very nice process shown in WIP. Love the big and strong poses, the pace is great and the motion is fluid..... although I don\\\'t see much idea in it but that could be a great news for such a short piece, your attention to the detail on the motion pay off. The only thing I would like to see is a better/strong pose design for the ending.

亞軍 | 1st Runner-up
Christie (激嬲個袋)

(Ken Law) : The concept is good and the animation is smooth. But I don't know why the knife is on the bag at start. If it is flow out from the man to bag and then it flow back to the man will be better. And the animation also need to have more time to buildup the afraid of man when the bag flow back.

(根叔) : 老實說,Christie 的 Sand bag 動畫較之於人物動畫的動作流暢。另外在人物的keyframe 技巧亦見有板有眼,但肢體的擺動略嫌疆硬,動作幅度未夠誇張,未能突顯角色(動作)企圖,最後人物的平衡似乎仍有進步空間。

(Stanley Tang) : Interesting and unique idea. The good old sandbag is fun. The motions are simple but effective.

季軍 | 2nd Runner-up
keungk (開心魔法)

(Ken Law) : Overall the timing and pose control is very good. We can see different speed when he do different magic things. Very clear to build up the tension of action. But the creative of this movie is weaker than others.

(根叔) : 動作相當流暢,停頓位置亦控制得宜。片段開頭及尾段o既pose 擺得不錯,但片段中部的人物姿勢可以再誇張一點,值得注意o既係片中右手o既表演似乎被忽視了。Staging 方面尚有改善空間。

優異作品 | Honourable Mentions
Ng Ying Ki, ampwong, oceanpak, Nelson Tam, howiejai

(Magic Hand)
(根叔) : 雖然角色無跳黎跳去,亦無太大o既身體移動,但以動畫技巧黎講就相當高,蓋因肢體語言豐富,對戲劇性表現o既時間掌控亦準確。整體水準甚高,唯獨肢體擺動幅度可以再誇張一點。

(Ken Law) : The animtion skill is ok. Camera work help to build up the whole animation. When magician pull out the rabbit from the hat can hold more time to build up it's very difficult to pull it out. But the concept is too horrible and sad.

(根叔) : 動作流暢,但欠缺Anticiplation 及停頓位置,看後感覺到原畫師想在十秒內做很多事情,結果卻適得其反。另一致命傷在cut shot。原本cut shot 可以用來偷點時間,但在短短十秒在的四個cut shot ,非但不能為動畫帶來偷時間的好處,反而會令人睇得相當辛苦。值得一讚o既係加入左面部表情,但由於時間太短,亦交待唔倒人物到底係思考緊點解響頂帽度?唔倒野出黎,定係心急,定係覺得尷尬呢?

(Stanley Tang) : Like the way the character takes his hat in the beginning and then built-up for the ending.

(Stanley Tang) : The best rendered piece in the contest. Like the pose-to-pose work. The expression on the girl could use more work to match the male character. The pace seems a bit rush but it's very good consider all that happen in 10 sec.

(The Cheesy Coin Trick)
(Ken Law) : The concept show out the real magician will do. But the timing of animation is too even. Some point can be faster to build up and attract the blue guy. And throw the coin can be faster. And the green guy also can come in later.more facial expression can help the animation better.

(Stanley Tang) : Have some good poses, the pace are good.
(The Greatest Magic)




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